<p>HANDOUT IMAGE: Faye Schulman, a partisan fighter during World War II, in a forest near the city of Pinsk in late winter 1943. Ms. Schulman died April 24, 2021, in Toronto. She was 101. (Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation/A Partisan’s Memoir: Woman of the Holocaust/Second Story Press) MANDATORY CREDIT</p>


Снимай да партизань

Мы не походили на ягнят, идущих на бойню!

<p>????? ???? ????(???'??) ??? ????? ????? ???? ?????: ???? ?????24/12/2018</p>


Генерал трёх войн

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Совсем поехали!

Трамп был в шаге от раскрытия инопланетян...

<p>Inge Ginsberg was born born in 1922 in Austria. In 1938, following the annexation of Austria by the Nazis, anti-Jewish laws were implemented, and thousands of Jewish families were evicted from their homes. Inge’s father was sent for forced labour at Dachau, but released and was deported on the St. Louis, the infamous ship that set sail from Germany on May 13, 1939 carrying more than 900 Jews fleeing Nazi persecution. The ship was denied permission to dock in Cuba, Canada and the US, and was forced to turn back to Europe. Inge’s father disembarked in the UK. Inge, her mother and brother were left in Vienna and went into hiding with fake documents. Inge worked in forced labour at night in a spinning mill. In return for Inge’s mother’s jewels, an influential count involved in smuggling, helped the family to cross into Switzerland. After a short time in a refugee camp, Inge was tapped to manage a villa set up by the American OSS to spy on Nazis and coordinate operations by partisan groups fighting the Germans. After the war ended Inge moved to Hollywood and became a journalist and composer for pop stars, sharing time between Israel and US. When she turned 96 she performed as a singer in the death metal band, “Inge &amp; the TritoneKings.”</p>


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